Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ghana dashes Nigeria 4 goals to 1

As I gear up for my trip to Ghana, I hear that the Black Stars do it again. This time the boys beat Ghana's long time footballing (and some time cultural) rivals Nigeria (Ghana must go bags? Need I say more??) on Tuesday evening. Better still for me, Ghana beat Nigeria in Brentford, just a few miles from where I grew up. That is soooo nice. Sorry to all of my Nigah friends (not really). Mmmm, mm, mmmm: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/02/06/sports/EU-SPT-SOC-Nigeria-Ghana.php





I thank you.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I want to articulate my articulation, so let me articulate it

Lynette Clemetson of the New York Times wrote a piece on how some 'ar-tick-you-late black people' reacted to Senator Joe Biden's unfortunate (mis)articulation of Senator Barack Obama's ability to articulate himself (or something like that). Her pointers (at the end of the piece should prove to be useful to those who aren't in the know. And for those who are (in the know, that is), the piece will make you laugh.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Girl Like Me, by Kiri Davis

I saw Kiri Davis being interviewed some time back about her project, and have wanted to see this film ever since. And it'st just as great as it sounds.

The film brought back conversations that I have had with myself and my close girlfriends. And I am sure it's a conversation that will continue for years until we address the issue of what we show in the media - and everywhere else. It's all about your skin tone baby - no matter what part of the world you are from. Skin lighteners sell like crazy in Africa yo'. It's a b***h... It still stings me when I recall some boy telling me that I couldnt be considered for the 'pretty girl list' (you know how kids do), becuse I was black ('...but you're really pretty for a black girl')... it also amuses me when I recall how one of my teachers would (without fail) comment about my hair style, when I walked in with freshly braided hair ('oooh your hair looks like snakes! Come here, can I touch it?! How does your mummy do that?') And people wonder why black women are obsessed with their looks??! I mean, seriously...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

In Biden's defence

... and the MADNESS continues. Obama reminds Biden of Redd Foxx, and used a reference to a UK sitcom??

Again people, priceless...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Check out The AFRican

I produced a q and a with MC Wanlov. It was published in 'The AFRican', check it out here make a comment (as long as its nice, natch)!!!

Biden on Obama: So Fresh and So clean, clean...

It's been a long time, since my last post, I know, I am sorry, a lot going on, and you know, well, that is always my excuse...

Anyway, I felt compelled to write today, after reading, then hearing US Democratic Presidential prospect Senator Joe Biden's comments on fellow Senator (and presidential hopeful) Barack Obama during an interview. This is what Biden said:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

HUH??!! That in itself had me howling, but it was a posting about what kind of difference a COMMA would have made to the meaning of this statement that got me completely baffled. Here is Joshua Micah Marshall from Talking Points Memo:

'...what if the Observer punctuated casually? That is, what if there is supposed to be a comma before 'who,' making it a non-restrictive relative clause:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American, who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Thus he would mean Obama is both a). the first mainstream African-American candidate for president and b). articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy but not necessarily that he is the first African-American candidate to have these properties. This would be patronizing and stupid, but not the breathtakingly offensive sentiment suggested when the comma isn't there.

For real....?? WOW...

To be fair, Marshall does end his piece by saying that no matter where the comma is, the comment is still: 'really condescending bordering on racist. And it would still probably mean that Biden's mouth presents a clear and present danger to Democratic electoral prospects no matter what he meant. Ending his candidacy wouldn't be preemption, just legitimate self-defense.'

Cha man. So still, why go through all of that palava, if you know that the excersise is futile? Like, seriously, dude??

Anyway, comma placement aside, you can judge for yourself what Biden meant by listening here.

It really is priceless...

AND: The timing of Biden's SNAFU isn't lost on me. US Black History Month starts TOMORROW, Feb 1. Nice one Joe.